Change Healthcare Migration
As you are aware, Change Healthcare (RelayHealth) experienced a cyber attack last week which has greatly disrupted all sectors of the healthcare industry. Change Healthcare is still completely down and we have very limited information to go on at this time. While other clearinghouses are operational, this does affect the industry as a whole because Change Healthcare has contracts with certain payers and those payers can only accept claims through Change Healthcare. No clearinghouse is 100% operational because of this.
At this time, we have no way of knowing how long Change Healthcare is going to be down so we have come up with a migration solution to offer to our customers.
MediPro is trying to be proactive and has worked out a solution with eMEDIX. eMEDIX which is Lytec and Medisoft’s integrated clearinghouse already has a migration path in place for Change Healthcare. They have worked out a plan for us to migrate our customers in bulk with as little paperwork as possible. eMEDIX told us 88% of their claims are going through just fine. However, as stated above, there are certain payers that nobody can submit claims to. Unfortunately, a list of those payers can not be provided at this time.
Here are the options and steps to take to move forward if you choose to:
1. If you would like to start the process of the migration, please complete the short form on our website.
- Please note that this process will take 1-2 weeks to complete for commercial payers
- Payers that require payer agreements will take longer to set up
- We will try to match the pricing and package plan that you currently have in place with Change Healthcare
2. You can wait and see what happens but at this time, we have no way of knowing how long Change Healthcare will be down. It could be days, weeks, or even months.
We understand that this is not an ideal situation but wanted to offer our customers the option to start the migration process.